
Methods intended for warp gate "pylons" (e.g. Warp Gate-dependent modules)



<generator, static> RingGenerator


Generator function for exploring vertex-connected grid locations in an outward "ring" pattern.

Name Type Description
origin Object

Staring location (pixels) for search

numRings Number


<async, static> batchMutate( tokenDocs, details ) → {Promise.<Array.<MutateInfo>>}


Perform a managed, batch update of multple token documents. Heterogeneous ownership supported and routed through the Remote Mutation system as needed. The same updates, callbacks and options objects will be used for all mutations.

Note: If a specific mutation name is not provided, a single random ID will be generated for all resulting individual mutations.

Name Type Description
tokenDocs Array.<TokenDocument>

List of tokens on which to apply the provided mutation.

details Object

The details of this batch mutation operation.

Name Type Attributes Description
updates Shorthand

The updates to apply to each token; as warpgate.spawn

callbacks Object <optional>

Delta and post mutation callbacks; as warpgate.mutate

Name Type Attributes Description
delta PostDelta <optional>
post PostMutate <optional>
options WorkflowOptions | MutationOptions <optional>

List of mutation results, which resolve once all local mutations have been applied and when all remote mutations have been accepted or rejected. Currently, local and remote mutations will contain differing object structures. Notably, local mutations contain a delta field containing the revert data for this mutation; whereas remote mutations will contain an accepted field, indicating if the request was accepted.


<async, static> batchRevert( tokenDocs, details ) → {Promise.<Array.<MutateInfo>>}


Perform a managed, batch update of multple token documents. Heterogeneous ownership supported and routed through the Remote Mutation system as needed. The same updates, callbacks and options objects will be used for all mutations.

Note: If a specific mutation name is not provided, a single random ID will be generated for all resulting individual mutations.

Name Type Description
tokenDocs Array.<TokenDocument>

List of tokens on which to perform the revert

details Object
Name Type Attributes Description
mutationName string <optional>

Specific mutation name to revert, or the latest mutation for an individual token if not provided. Tokens without mutations or without the specific mutation requested are not processed.

options WorkflowOptions | MutationOptions <optional>

List of mutation revert results, which resolve once all local reverts have been applied and when all remote reverts have been accepted or rejected. Currently, local and remote reverts will contain differing object structures. Notably, local revert contain a delta field containing the revert data for this mutation; whereas remote reverts will contain an accepted field, indicating if the request was accepted.


<static> notice( placement [, config ] )


Helper function for displaying pings for or panning the camera of specific users. If no scene is provided, the user's current is assumed.

Name Type Attributes Description
placement Object | CrosshairsData

Information for the physical placement of the notice containing at least {x: Number, y: Number, scene: Scene}

config NoticeConfig <optional>

Configuration for the notice


<static> queueUpdate( updateFn )


Safely manages concurrent updates to the provided entity type

Name Type Description
updateFn function

the function that handles the actual update (can be async)
